Anthony Ryan
Anthony (Tony) Ryan, has taught in Australia, China and Japan. His teaching career started as a primary school teacher in Queensland, Australia for 5 years before spending a year in Guizhou Province in 1990 as an English instructor at a Chinese university. He then moved back to Australia to spend a year living with and setting up schools for indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory of Australia. After moving to Nagoya, Japan in 1992, he started as an English instructor before moving into university teaching following distance learning studies for the Master and PhD degrees. He has been teaching at Aichi University of Education for the past 20 years teaching linguistics and TESOL and he is still learning something new everyday about the profession. He has published on language learning styles, language learning strategies, domestic and overseas teacher practicums, CLIL and interlanguage discourse analysis.Sessions
Forum Language Education Policies and Practices in Japan, Philippines and Brazil more
Sun, Dec 5, 09:35-10:25 Asia/Taipei
The ALT system in Japanese English language education and the evolvement of CLIL in Japan by Dr. Anthony Ryan. This talk firstly outlines the Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) system that is in place in the public school system in Japan. It briefly traces the roots of the system, describes the recruitment and orientation process, the role of the ALT in the EFL classroom and offers insights into the current working and living conditions of the ALTs interviewed by the presenter. Secondly, it then briefly describes the Japan CLIL Association - which was formed in April 2017 - and the activities of its members in terms of promoting CLIL across all levels of education in Japan. // Bilingual Language Policy: The Case of the Philippines by Ms. Remy J. Tulabut. The evolution of the language policies in the Philippines can be traced historically and linguistically. The impact of colonization in the country made the English language the co-official language of the Philippines whereas the number of living languages prompted the selection of Tagalog- then later Filipino- as its national language. Because of the emergence of two languages in the Philippines, Bilingual Education Policy (BEP) was implemented in order to use English and Filipino as the media of instruction in specific subject areas at the national level at all levels. To date, BEP runs simultaneously with MTB-MLE in the current Philippine Education. // Shades of English language teaching in Brazil by Lilian Montalvão. The current English language education scenario in Brazil is marked by significant shifts: from foreign language to lingua franca, from just a few weekly hours of traditional language teaching to bilingual education. This talk will provide an overview of the ongoing changes in the policies and practices in Brazil.