Juland D. Salayo
University of Santo Tomas-Manila
JULAND DAYO SALAYO teaches English and Research at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, The Philippines. He earned his Master in Educational Management from Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He finished a Diploma Course from World Learning, Washington through scholarship grant from the US Embassy. He is now a PhD candidate in English Language Education at the Philippine Normal University, the Center for Teacher Education program in the Philippines. His research interests include Sociolinguistics, Second Language Writing, Critical Writing, Stylistics, Critical Language Pedagogy and Education Studies. His papers were presented and published in various local and international research conferences and reputable journals. He is now serving as a member of editorial board and reviewer of various international journals and conferences in education, social sciences, humanities, and language studies.Sessions
Paper Presentation Voice, agency and identity via bilingualism in ESL writing classroom more
Sat, Dec 4, 13:00-13:30 Asia/Taipei
This present study explores the functions of L1 as a language resource in an L2 collaborative writing group. Specifically, it aims to determine how the interlocutors’ first language produces power and identity in the production of knowledge during the pre-writing stage. Participated by selected junior high school students in a premier public high school in the Division of Cavite in the Philippines, the researcher recorded and transcribed the small group’s conversations into episodes to examine the linguistic choice of the participants that elicit power and identity building using their first language in an L2 learning space. Guided and influenced by Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, which highlights language as a cultural artifact that upholds dialectical relation between the learners and the social world, results revealed that the students’ L1 could serve as a language resource in sustaining their voice necessary to build power and identity. This is manifested by the learners’ use of code-switching and code-mixing in ESL classrooms to empower them as significant members of the learning groups. Interestingly, pure L1 also proved that it has functions to play in producing and sharing authentic knowledge necessary to learn L2 and to establish their learning identity and agency. Hence, this study proves that local and authentic knowledge reflected in a bilingual learning engagement produces cohesiveness in L2 writing.