Shu-Ling Wang
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Lesson Plan Contest River Guru 護河小達人 more
Sun, Dec 5, 14:30-14:45 Asia/Taipei
Most big cities around the world have rivers winding through. Rivers enrich the livelihood of human beings. Our local Dahan river contributed to the richness and prosperity in Xinzhuang over three hundred years ago. Nowadays, its riversides have become one of the citizens’ best choices for leisure. However, from time to time, we can still see the news report of wastewater being discharged into the river. The river belongs to all citizens. We need to teach our children the value of Dahan river and to cherish the comfort it offers to us. We try to bring the awareness of what the result could be if the pollution problems continue or worsen to our children. Our goal is to help them cultivate the ideas of protecting our river and hometown. Therefore, we design the two-session lesson plan with the topic of river conservation to arouse the affections of our children and to achieve the goal of maintaining a sustainable environment.