Pei-Yu Hsieh
student teacher of department of public affairs and civic education, National Changhua University of EducationSessions
Paper Presentation How Interactive CLIL Teaching Design Impacts Middle School Students' Learning Experience more
Sat, Dec 4, 15:00-15:30 Asia/Taipei
Alongside the implementation of the Ministry of Education's 2030 bilingual national policy and competency education (12-Year Basic Education), how to incorporate bilingual, diversified, and interactive teaching materials becomes the top priority for curriculum design. Moreover, middle school students have more opportunities than ever to learn via the Internet and a variety of digital learning media in the post-epidemic period. Therefore, this research intends to determine how interactive media can enhance middle school students’ bilingual learning experience. This research utilizes a two-hour bilingual and interactive teaching plan and collects students’ feedback before and after instruction. Before proceeding with teaching in a middle school in Taichung City, our teaching plan was discussed and revised with the subjects of history and civic and society teachers. The teaching plan includes many teaching media, such as using self-made English YouTube videos, Instagram, and worksheets to merge interactive treatments and bilingual teaching materials. After the instruction, most of the students perceived that this 2-hour bilingual lesson was a helpful experience for learning (mean=3.16/ 4-points-Likert scale). A paired sample T-test to compare students’ experiences before and after the learning intervention shows that there was a significant difference after this treatment. Therefore, integrating interactive media into teaching can be a useful strategy for bilingual learning.