Dr. Darlyne de Haan
de Haan Consulting, LLC
Dr. Darlyne de Haan, a former Forensic Scientist and Chemist with over 20 years of experience in STEM, founded Mad About Science, Inc., a non-profit organization where her programs served hundreds of students in urban communities. Her websites, Neighborhood-Science and Brain Based Science help people understand the brain's impact on instruction, and other issues that impact ELs and other diverse populations. Her work has been featured on TV including Real Talk on Racism with Dr. Renai Ellison. Darlyne is a recipient of the coveted Fulbright Administrator program for Global Schools, where she will travel to Singapore to partake in the International Education Administrators (IEA) seminars. Dr. de Haan speaks at conferences nationally and internationally and is a strong advocate for changing the FACE of STEM to reflect the population. She has a blog with TESOL (http://blog.tesol.org/author/ddehaan/) and holds Master degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership.Sessions
Keynote The Trifecta: ELs, The Leaky STEM Pipeline & Culturally Responsive Teaching more
Sat, Dec 4, 09:15-10:15 Asia/Taipei
One definition of ELs stated the following, “ELs are identified as students who demonstrate a sufficient difficulty in reading, writing, speaking, or understanding the English language: a challenge that “inhibits their ability to learn successfully in classrooms where English is the language of instruction or to participate fully in the larger US society”. Not being able to speak, read or write in English does create challenges on the part of the ill-equipped educator, but with the correct professional learning for teachers, ELs can be seen as valuable participants and contributors in the classroom, regardless of the content area. It is statements like these that continuously feed the belief and practice of keeping culturally linguistic students out of rigorous classes. Research has proven that when ELs are allowed to interact in varied ways to build from what they already know and to develop new technical knowledge at school, ELs can be successful in STEM content and practices while simultaneously building their proficiency in English beyond STEM. This talk will define and discuss ELs and The Leaky STEM Pipeline's impact on students whose first language is not English and culturally responsive teaching. Dr. de Haan will also include strategies that can be used in any classroom and their connection to TESOL’s 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners and the connection to the Brain. Dr. Darlyne de Haan, founder of de Haan Consulting, LLC, the non-profit, Mad About Science, Inc. and presently the Director of Curriculum and Instruction of Math, Science and STEM for a large linguistically and culturally diverse school population, is a former forensic scientist and chemist with more than 20 years of experience in STEM. She is a recipient and participant of the coveted Fulbright Administrator Program for Fulbright Leaders for Global Schools, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. She is a strong advocate for changing the face of STEM to reflect the population.