Chiou-Hui Chou 周秋惠
Chiou-hui Chou is an associate professor at the department of English Instruction, School of Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Her research interests are in TESOL, CLIL, teachers professional development, reading research, and bilingual education.Sessions
Bilingual Centers Teaching Young Learners Mathematics: A CLIL Approach more
Sat, Dec 4, 14:00-14:30 Asia/Taipei
As literature indicates, it can be argued that mathematics is a language because it has its own set of rules, and with a finite number of symbols an infinite number of utterances can be created. Students need to master this language in order to read, understand, write down, and discuss ideas. In a CLIL lesson, both the learning of mathematics concept and the simultaneous learning of a second or foreign language is emphasized. This present paper will examine the following two aspects: How to scaffold young learners to process the mathematics concept through a second language? How to guide young learners to learn the mathematics language?

Forum Principles for Exemplary Teaching of Bilingual Learners more
Sat, Dec 4, 11:15-12:15 Asia/Taipei
Dr. Yueh-Nu Hung's Talk is on the Six Principles for Exemplary Teaching of Bilingual Learners: Focusing on Supporting Language Learning. In 2021, eight Bilingual Education Research Centers of Taiwan put their brains together and drafted a list of six principles for exemplary teaching of bilingual learners. The ultimate goal is to compile a resource book for bilingual education teacher trainers. The six principles will be briefly introduced first, and then I focus on Principle 1 (Know your learners: Provide comprehensible input) and Principle 3 (Foster students’ social and academic language) and highlight some of the key issues related to language learning objectives planning and teachers’ target language competence and pedagogical knowledge. Dr. Joyce Chou's talk is on "Instructed Second Language Acquisition Perspectives" As instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) indicates, the goals and effects of instruction can be accordingly characterized as follows: instruction may enable learners to internalize new L2 knowledge so that they become more elaborate L2 users (with a richer vocabulary and more complex grammar); instruction may enable learners to modify or restructure their L2 knowledge and performance so that they become more accurate; instruction may enable learners to consolidate their L2 knowledge so that they can use the L2 with greater ease and for a wider range of tasks and functions so that they become more fluent language users. This research will look into how teachers can scaffold bilingual young learners’ L2 development. Dr. Yun-Li Hsu's talk will be on "Lesson Plan Design Principles and Key Points of Bilingual Teaching in Life Curriculum" Having served as a review committee member for the results of the bilingual teaching plan and application plan, and as a supervising professor in several schools in some areas of primary and secondary schools for nearly one year, I will be sharing some guiding principles of Life Curriculum Design. In the process of reviewing and preparing lessons with each school, I found that most of the teachers in schools that implement bilingual teaching in the Life Curriculum have a background in English. Many teachers are less familiar with Life Curriculum. Therefore, they are prone to encounter difficulties when designing teaching plans. To help teachers better understand the life curriculum, I will briefly introduce the important concepts and principles of the Life Curriculum, through the "Life Curriculum" literacy-oriented teaching model map, which includes description 1) Life Curriculum view of children's learning; 2) The characteristics of students at this learning stage; 3) Basic concept of Life Curriculum, and 4) Key points when designing teaching plans. The basic principles of the English integration Life Curriculum course will be explained, providing educators resources and suggestions for bilingual teaching of Life Curriculum.