Professor Do Coyle
University of Edinburgh
Do currently holds a chair in Language Education and Classroom Pedagogies at the University of Edinburgh. She is known across the globe for her work in CLIL. Her research with teachers and learners led to the conceptualisation of the 4Cs Framework and the Language Triptych in the CUP 2010 book CLIL (Coyle, Hood and Marsh). More recently she has focussed on the role of literacies, critical literacies and pluriliteracies for all teachers across subject disciplines and languages resulting in her 2021 CUP publication with Oliver Meyer on the PTDL Framework (Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper learning). She was honoured as a Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques awarded by the French Government for promoting transnational Teacher Education and holds a Lord Dearing Award for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education.Sessions
Keynote Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning in multilingual classrooms: the latest craze, critical responsiveness or responsible activism? more
Sat, Dec 4, 17:00-18:00 Asia/Taipei
In this session I shall explore the implications for change and development in pedagogic thinking which are urgently needed in our multilingual classrooms to enable our young people to be equipped with the knowledges and skills to be active, contented global citizens in the ‘here and now’ and the near future. This calls on subject teachers and language teachers alike. The ‘literacies turn’ has invited educators and researchers to reconceptualise language (s) learning and language (s) using which bring into question an over emphasis on linguistic fluency. As increasing attention focussing on the role of textual fluency across and within languages gains momentum, so too does an understanding of the underlying principles and practices needed to construct dynamic learnscapes or classroom ecologies for deeper learning. These not only promote integrated learning (CLIL) but identify ways of deepening conceptual development, critical engagement, resilience and agency within and across subject disciplines, languages and intercultural practices. In our rapidly changing landscape, disruptive thinking provides us with a rich canvass on which to draw our futures thinking pedagogic design and practices. The pluriliteracies movement is not going away…….

Saturday Night Live with Do Coyle more
Sat, Dec 4, 18:30-19:30 Asia/Taipei
Join Dr. Do Coyle in celebrating her new book, Beyond CLIL! This is a great chance to socialize and network with bilingual educators around the world!