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Closing Remarks
Moderator: Dr. Jane Chien, Director, Center for Research on Bilingual Education, National Taipei University of Education
ICBE 2021 Conference Coordination Team

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Dr. Jane Chien is an assistant professor in the Department of Children’s English Education at the National Taipei University of Education. During the past 16 years, she has been engaged in pre-service EFL elementary school teacher training and in providing professional development to in-service teachers. As the Director of the Center for Research on Bilingual Education at NTUE, She has dedicated her work to promoting bilingual education through CLIL, supervising several elementary schools’ bilingual programs in the northern part of Taiwan. Her most valuable experience actively participating in the international TESOL community has been from serving on the TESOL’s CALL-IS Electronic Village Online coordination team since 2018 and as TESOL International Association Computer-Assisted Langauge Learning Interest Section Chair-Elect 2021-2022.
Assistant Professor
Greetings from Taipei, Taiwan. With a Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington, USA, Nancy has been a teacher educator at National Taipei University of Education for more than 30 years. Four highlights of her teaching career include the following. 1. Leading NTUE student teacher delegations to eight Asian and Oceania countries (2008-2019), 2. Establishing the NTUE "Learning and Instruction" international Master program in 2017, 3. Long-term involvement in Ministry of Education project on Cooperative learning (since 2012), and 4. Mentoring NTUE's first and seond batches of bilingual teaching practicum and internship (2020 till now).
Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education
Assistant Professor of comparative literature and translation studies.