International Conference on Bilingual Education
National Taipei University of Education December 4-5, 2021
ICBE 2021
Promoting Multilingualism and Pluriliteracies
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About CRBE
- The Center for Research on Bilingual Education at National Taipei University of Education serves as a basis for a wide range of theoretical and practical research designed to create a better educational environment to promote bilingualism.
About CEE
- The Department of Children English Education at National Taipei University of Education cultivates qualified competent English teachers for primary schools in Taiwan.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Do Coyle
Do currently holds a chair in Language Education and Classroom Pedagogies at the University of Edinburgh. She is known across the globe for her work in CLIL. Her research with teachers and learners led to the conceptualisation of the 4Cs Framework and the Language Triptych in the CUP 2010 book CLIL (Coyle, Hood and Marsh). More recently she has focussed on the role of literacies, critical literacies and pluriliteracies for all teachers across subject disciplines and languages resulting in her 2021 CUP publication with Oliver Meyer on the PTDL Framework (Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper learning). She was honoured as a Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques awarded by the French Government for promoting transnational Teacher Education and holds a Lord Dearing Award for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education.
Dr. Darlyne de Haan
Dr. Darlyne de Haan, a former Forensic Scientist and Chemist with over 20 years of experience in STEM, founded Mad About Science, Inc., a non-profit organization where her programs served hundreds of students in urban communities. Her websites, Neighborhood-Science and Brain Based Science help people understand the brain's impact on instruction, and other issues that impact ELs and other diverse populations. Her work has been featured on TV including Real Talk on Racism with Dr. Renai Ellison. Darlyne is a recipient of the coveted Fulbright Administrator program for Global Schools, where she will travel to Singapore to partake in the International Education Administrators (IEA) seminars. Dr. de Haan speaks at conferences nationally and internationally and is a strong advocate for changing the FACE of STEM to reflect the population. She has a blog with TESOL (http://blog.tesol.org/author/ddehaan/) and holds Master degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership.
Dr. Letizia Cinganotto
Letizia Cinganotto is a full time Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research), Italy and professor of English at Università Telematica degli Studi IUL. She holds a PhD in Synchronic, Diachronic and Applied Linguistics. She has a far-reaching experience in continuous professional development for teachers, teacher trainers, head teachers. She is a member of different working groups and scientific committees on CLIL and on language teaching and learning both at national and international level (European Commission, OECD, Council of Europe, ECML). She has presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and four volumes on CLIL. She is a reviewer and a member of the Editorial Board of different peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of the ECML "Pluriliteracies" consultancy team.
Dr. Angelita Romero
Dr. Angelita Romero is former vice president for academics, department head of the reading and literacy department, dean of the college of education, and professor in the graduate school of Philippine Normal University. She has an MA in English language teaching, PhD in applied linguistics, language teaching certificate, and postgraduate degree in reading and language education. Her involvement with the International Literacy Association includes: membership of a group that conceptualized the first professional standards for reading professionals; editorial board member of “The Reading Teacher” journal; country representative to IRA/ILA International Development Committee for Asia; and chapter adviser/founder of Alpha Upsilon. Under her presidency, the Reading Association of the Philippines hosted a world congress in reading. She is also a textbook writer, editor, and consultant. At present, she is a guest faculty in the school of graduate studies of Angeles University Foundation.
Sponsor Ministry of Education (Taiwan)
The MOE actively promotes 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy to empower Taiwan’s talents and industries to become more competitive, thus promoting its professions around the world. The MOE aims to increase international educational exchanges, and develop high-quality brand for Chinese language education in Taiwan, improve education for indigenous people and new immigrants’ children, and create friendly environments for learning national languages (including Minnan, Hakka, Min Dong, aboriginal languages and sign language).